Breeding and Cultivating a High-yield, High-protein Peanut Variety, Fuhua 9
摘要: 为适应闽西和戆南地区咸酥花生加工业发展需要,福建省农业科学院作物研究所以粤油99为母本,中间育种材料9817-36-2为父本,有性杂交,混合系谱法选育成丰产,高蛋白,中果加工型花生新品种福花9号,2016年通过江西省农作物新品种认定(赣认花生2016002)。该品种全生育期123 d左右,株高55.1 cm左右;株形直立,松散适中;结果枝数4.65条;叶片卵圆形,大小中等,叶色深绿色,叶质厚,被有蜡质;分枝粗壮,杆绿色;连续开花,花黄色。荚果茧型,果腰浅,网纹中等,果皮淡黄色,百果重178 g,果数618个·kg-1左右。种子椭圆形、饱满;种皮粉红色,光滑,无皱缩,百仁重66.2 g左右,出仁率64.4%左右;含油量51.41%,蛋白质含量30.86%,油亚比1.22。抗倒性强,抗旱性中等,抗锈病、抗叶斑病,综合性状优良。平均每667 m2产荚果359.5 kg,比对照品种汕油523增产6.58%,平均每667 m2产籽仁230.7 kg,减产0.86%。江西、福建省花生产区均可做咸酥花生品种利用。通过SSR分子标记技术发现有4对引物可以鉴别出亲本和子代的差异条带,证明亲本与子代在分子水平上存在一定差异。子代既有继承父母本特异遗传信息的特征,又有与父母本遗传信息存在差别的特征。Abstract: To meet the increasing market demand on salted crisp peanut snack products popular in western Fujian and southern Jiangxi, a high-yield, high-protein, medium-size peanut cultivar, Fuhua 9, was developed. The new variety was certified by Jiangxi Provincial Crop Variety Identification in 2016 with the code name of Jiangxi 2016002. It was the result of the sexual hybridization by crossing Yueyou 99 as the female parent and the intermediate breeding material, 9817-36-2, as male parent. The growth period for the new variety was 123 days. The plant height was approximately 55.1 cm in an erect and moderate stature. On average, there were 4.65 fruiting branches on each plant with stout, green stems and continually blooming yellow flowers. The leaves were ovoid in shape, medium in size, dark green in color, thick and waxy in appearance. With pale yellowish shell, the pod shaped like cocoon with a narrow waist and medium reticulate.The 100-pod weight was 178 g, and the pod count per kg, 618. The elliptic seeds were full and covered by pink and smooth, wrinkleless skin. The 100-kernel weight was 66.2 g; the kernel rate, 64.4%; the oil content, 51.41%; the protein content, 30.86%; and, the O/L ratio, 1.22. Fuhua 9 exhibited excellent comprehensive properties, such as strong lodging resistance, moderate drought resistance, and resistances to rust and leaf spot. The average pod yield of the plants was 359.5 kg per 666.7 m2, which was 6.58% higher than that of the reference variety, Shanyou 523. The average kernel yield of the plants was 230.7 kg per 667 m2, which was 0.86% lower than that of the reference. This newly developed variety was considered suitable for processing the popular snacks. For differentiating Fuhua 9 from its parent lines at the molecular level, four pairs of SSR primers could be applied.
Key words:
- peanut /
- protein /
- breeding /
- genetic differences
表 1 福花9号选育过程
Table 1. Breeding of Fuhua 9
种植年份 季别 地点 世代 组合株系号 选育经过 2002 秋季 福州 P 200245 丰产、适应性广的粤油99为母本,本所中间材料9817-36-2作父本。 2003 春季 福清 F1 200245 单粒种植31株,混合收获。表现生势强,结果多。 2003 秋季 福清 F2 200245 单粒种植,去劣,选择68株混收。 2004 春季 福清 F3 200245 单粒种植,去劣,选择60株混收。 2004 秋季 福清 F4 200245 单粒种植,选择22个单株,单收。 2005 春季 福清 F5 200245-18 株行,单粒种植,选择2个单株,单收。 2005 秋季 福清 F6 200245-18-2 株行,单粒种植,选择5个单株,单收。 2006 春季 福清 株行 200245-18-2-5 进行株行比较。 2006 秋季 福清 株系 200245-18-2-5 进行株系比较。 2007 春季 品系 200245-18-2-5 进行株系比较。 2007 定名 福花9号 -
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