Spatial Distribution of Leisure Agriculture Demonstration Spots in Fujian Province and Its Influence Factors
摘要: 以福建现有的171个省级休闲农业示范点为样本,综合运用最邻近点指数、变异系数、网格维模型、核密度估计和相关分析法,从分布形态、均衡程度、分布密度3个维度定量分析福建省休闲农业示范点的空间分布规律及其影响因素。结果表明:福建省级休闲农业示范点空间分布属凝聚型分布形态,具有较高集中性;示范点分布密度具有明显差异性,从闽东南向闽西北地区按4个梯度递减;示范点分布规律受景区、城市、交通等资源条件影响较大,呈现"傍景"、"环城"、"沿路"分布格局;同时,福建省休闲农业空间分布与人口结构、总GDP、私家车保有量和第三产业总值显著中度正相关,但与城镇恩格尔系数、农业第一产业比重相关性不大,说明福建省休闲农业发展与地区综合经济实力有显著相关,但产业特色不明显,仍有较大提升空间。认为福建各地休闲农业应优化资源要素配置,增强集聚能力,打造核心增长极;要因地制宜开发建设,培育品牌,促进差异化发展;要强化政策引导,促进产业耦合协调发展;要加强服务,强化支撑发展,进一步提升区域发展竞争水平。Abstract: To provide a reference for the government in drawing up the policy of leisure agriculture construction and industrial layout, the space configuration, balanced degree and distribution density were quantitatively calculated using the nearest neighbor index, variation coefficient, the grid dimension model and the nuclear density estimation; and the influence factors of spatial distribution were explored using vector data buffer method and correlation analysis, with 171 Fujian provincial leisure agriculture demonstration spots as samples. The results showed that 171 provincial leisure agriculture demonstration spots in Fujian province tended to be agglomeration and showed an aggregate distribution in the geographical space.The spatial distribution density of the demonstration spots shows obvious differentiation, and decreased from the southeast to the northwest of Fujian by four degrees.The distribution of leisure agriculture demonstration sites was largely affected by tourist, city, transport resources, mainly located near the tourist sites, around cities, and through the roads. Furthermore, correlation analysis results showed that the spatial distribution of Fujian leisure agriculture demonstration sites was positively correlated in medium level, with population structure, total GDP, numbers of private cars, and total output value of the tertiary industry, but not significantly correlated with urban Engel's coefficient and proportion of the primary industry. It indicated that the development of leisure agriculture was obviously correlated with regional comprehensive economic strength, but the characteristics of industry was not emphasized, which could be greatly improved. Consequently, for the development of leisure agriculture in Fujian, the following suggestions were proposed. Firstly, optimize resources allocation, strengthen industry agglomeration, and create core growth point; Secondly, develop according to location conditions, and cultivate brands to promote differentiation of development; Thirdly, enhance policy leading, and promote the coupling and coordinated development of industry; Lastly, improve service quality, and increase industry support to raise regional competition.
Key words:
- leisure agriculture /
- demonstration spot /
- spatial distribution /
- influence factor /
- Fujian Province
表 1 福建省休闲农业示范点网格维数测算结果
Table 1. The calculating data of grid dimension of leisure agriculture demonstration spots in Fujian province
K 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N(r) 4 8 15 20 27 34 41 50 56 I(r) 1.3508 1.9874 2.4159 2.7208 3.0183 3.3045 3.4407 3.6220 3.7271 表 2 福建省休闲农业示范点与社会经济影响因素相关度
Table 2. Correlation between soci-economic factors and demonstration spots in Fujian province
影响因素 指标 最大值 最小值 相关系数 显著性 人口结构 地区总人口/万人 722.450 211.150 0.694 2.552 非农业人口/万人 380.850 102.050 0.658 2.310 生活水平 城镇居民可支配收入/元 42607.000 26029.000 0.229 0.623 城镇居民消费性支出/元 28929.000 17690.000 0.270 0.741 城镇恩格尔系数/% 37.601 32.531 -0.249 -0.681 地区GDP/亿元 6137.710 1339.430 0.683 2.473 人均GDP/元 90379.000 585.800 -0.015 -0.041 私家车保有量/万辆 2733.830 472.110 0.515 1.590 产业结构 第三产业总值/亿元 100.670 15.270 0.627 2.127 第一产业比重/% 21.594 0.690 -0.080 -0.212 第二产业比重/% 59.952 43.159 -0.159 -0.426 第三产业比重/% 55.707 31.889 0.193 0.520 -
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