Effect of Organic Fertilizers on Gas Emission from Lettuce-growing Soil in a Solar Greenhouse
摘要: 采用静态箱-气相色谱法研究日光温室生菜地不施肥(CK)、施用腐熟鸡粪(H)、羊粪(S)、鸡粪+秸秆(HSt)、羊粪+秸秆(SSt)、羊粪+鸡粪+秸秆(SHSt)等6种处理的温室气体排放通量及增温潜势(GWP)。结果表明:(1)H、S、HSt处理的N2O排放通量在施肥前、中、后期呈近“V”型变化,CK、SSt、SHSt呈倒“V”型变化;S、SSt、SHSt处理的CH4排放通量呈倒“V”型变化;CO2排放通量均呈近“V”型变化(SSt除外);(2)施肥前期,HSt、S、H、SHSt、SSt处理的N2O排放通量分别较CK显著增加2.89、2.32、1.48、1.17、0.95倍;S、H的CH4排放通量显著高于CK处理1.91、1.11倍;H的CO2排放通量显著低于CK处理3.88倍。施肥中期,HSt的N2O排放通量显著低于CK处理1.93倍;SHSt的CH4排放通量显著高于CK处理1.34倍;各施肥处理的CO2排放通量与CK差异不显著。施肥后期,H的N2O排放通量显著高于CK处理1.10倍;SHSt、SSt、S的CH4排放通量显著低于CK处理3.76、5.25、5.58倍;HSt的CO2排放通量显著高于CK处理8.61倍;(3)全球增温潜势(GWP)按照S>SHSt>HSt>SSt>CK>H依次减小,建议施用腐熟鸡粪、鸡粪加秸秆及羊粪加秸秆。Abstract: Emission flux of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and global warming potential (GWP) of asolarlettuce-greenhouse using organic fertilizers were studied. A decomposed chicken manure (H), a sheep manure (S), a chicken manure/straw combination (HSt), a sheep manure/straw combination (SSt), a sheep manure, or a chicken manure/straw combination (SHSt) wasapplied on the soil. The atmospheric conditions in the greenhouse with each fertilization were monitored using the static chamber-gas chromatograph techniques. The results showed that (1) throughout the entire fertilization period, the N2O emissionsfrom H, S and HSt were in a V-shapemathematicfunction, whileCK, SSt and SHSt, an inverted V-shape function; the CH4 emissionsfrom S, SSt and SHSt were inan inverted V-shape trend; and, the CO2 emissionsfrom all, except SSt, were in aV-shape; (2) during the early stage of the fertilizations, the N2O emissionsfrom HSt, S, H, SHSt and SSt were 2.89, 2.32, 1.48, 1.17 and 0.95 times, respectively, greater than that of CK; the CH4 emissionsfrom S and H, 1.91 and 1.11 times, respectively, greater than that of CK; and, the CO2 emission from H, 3.88 times lower than that of CK; and, in the middle of the fertilizations, the N2O emission from HSt was 1.93 times lower than CK; the CH4 emission from SHSt, 1.34 times greater than CK; and, no significant differences onthe CO2 emissionsbetween CK and all other treatments; whereas, at the late stage of the fertilizations, the N2O emission from H was 1.10 times greater than CK; the CH4 emissionsfrom SHSt, SSt and S, 3.76, 5.25 and 5.58 times, respectively, lower than CK; and, the CO2 emission of HSt, 8.61 times greater than CK; and, (3) GWP for the various fertilization treatments decreased in the order of S > SHSt > HSt > SSt > CK > H. Consequently, H, SSt, orHSt was recommended for farmingapplicationsin light of their potentials in GHG emission reduction.
Key words:
- decomposed manure /
- solar greenhouse /
- lettuce soil /
- greenhouse gas emission flux /
表 1 不同施肥处理肥料施用情况
Table 1. Application of different manures
处理 鸡粪 羊粪 鸡粪+
粪+秸秆总碳含量/% 30 32 38.25 39.25 36.17 有机质含量/% 25.5 26 31.5 33.5 30 施肥用量/(t·ha-1) 25 25 25 25 25 注:表中各处理有机物料均为等体积混合,各有机物料在施用前均经过堆沤腐熟。 表 2 不同施肥处理N2O排放通量及方差分析结果
Table 2. Variance analysis results of N2O emission flux under different treatments
处理 4月19日/
(μg·m-2·h-1)CK b-38.91±25.35 c a 59.93±5.81 ab a 39.08±18.86 b H b 18.84±7.12 b b 22.24±3.31 b a 82.26±3.85 a S a 51.38±3.67 a a 38.3±11.34 ab a 33.08±6.86 b HSt a 73.61±16.40 a b-55.82±9.58 c a 47.38±11.63 b SSt b-2.11±4.55 b a 30.98±5.97 ab ab 15.57±13.97 b SHSt b 6.65±4.67 b a 66.89±21.61 a b 20.57±1.16 b 注:数字前同行不同小写字母表示同一处理不同时期在P=0.05水平上差异显著,数字后同列不同小写字母表示同一时期不同处理在P=0.05水平上差异显著。表 3、4同。 表 3 不同施肥处理CH4排放通量及方差分析结果
Table 3. Variance analysis results of CH4 emission flux under different treatments
处理 4月19日/
(μg·m-2·h-1)CK b-53.84±31.68 c a 56.14±4.8 b a 76.12±18.62 a H a 5.71±5.54 ab a 39.30±16.41 b a 22.04±17.51 ab S a 49.12±26.53 a a 36.46±18.68 b b-348.27±144.25 c HSt a-24.15±2.69 bc a-15.41±21.01 b a-59.21±24.30 ab SSt a-9.69±4.44 bc a 47.71±14.92 b a-323.25±134.25 c SHSt ab-19.73±10.28 bc a 131.42±42.58 a b-209.98±101.38 bc 表 4 不同施肥处理CO2排放通量及方差分析结果
Table 4. Variance analysis results of CO2 emission flux under different treatments
处理 4月19日/
(μg·m-2·h-1)CK a 142.04±52.88 ab b-291.24±69.23 ab b-120.64±8.95 b H b-409.19±41.24 c b-494.97±127.32 b a-5.85±44.41 b S a 497.33±67.17 a b-118.99±178.99 a b-266.74±74.76 b HSt b-26.05±5.24 bc c-481.06±90.75 b a 918.09±52.28 a SSt a 244.60±42.84 ab a 32.58±80.72 a b-263.45±124.88 b SHSt a 396.80±244.69 ab a-196.93±104.70 ab a-64.84±213.07 b 表 5 不同施肥处理温室气体排放量及全球增温潜势(GWP)
Table 5. GHG emission and GWP of variousfertilizations
[单位/ (kg·hm-2)]
处理N2O排放量 CO2排放量 CH4排放量 总GWP 累积排放量① CO2 当量 累积排放量① CO2 当量 CK 0.06 16.46 -353.45 0.08 2.09 -334.89 H 0.61 182.68 -5235.47 0.29 7.15 -5045.65 S 0.72 214.56 2606.83 -1.04 -26.07 2795.32 HSt 0.65 193.39 2290.46 -0.53 -13.23 2470.61 SSt 0.16 47.93 996.04 -1.39 -34.76 1009.20 SHSt 0.38 114.20 2399.75 -0.67 -16.71 2497.25 注:① 表中累积排放量为生菜从定植到收获整个生长季的温室气体排放总量。 -
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