Effect of Foliage Calcium Spray on Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium Contents and Fruit Quality of Mango Plants
摘要: 以‘台农1号’芒果为研究对象,设置0(CK)、0.5、1.5、2.5、3.5 g·L-1质量浓度钙含量5个处理,于催花前、幼果期、果实膨大期及采收前分别喷施。结果表明,在一定质量浓度范围内,叶面喷施液钙具有提高叶片、果皮、果肉及果核钙含量的作用;果实钙含量显著低于叶片,第1梢叶钾、钙、镁与果实间钾、钙、镁相关性比第2梢更为显著;第2梢叶钾、镁含量变化与钙相反,呈下降趋势;叶面喷施液钙可以提高糖酸比值,显著降低果实可滴定酸,增加果实维生素C含量,提高果实品质;高钙对可溶性固形物及可溶性糖含量有降低作用。说明一定质量浓度范围(0.5~3.5 g·L-1)内,施钙有利于提高芒果果实品质,供试条件下,以0.5 g·L-1钙含量处理效果最佳。Abstract: Effect of spraying calcium-containing solutions of varied concentrations on fruit quality as well as potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) contents in the fruits and leaves of mango plants werestudied to determine the possible benefit of theapplication. Tainung No 1 mangotrees were subjected to the spraying of Ca solutions at the concentration of 0 (CK), 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, and 3.5g/L on the leaves at the time before flower induction, of early fruiting stage, during fruit growing stage, or before harvesting. It was found that the Ca contents in the leaves, as well as thepeel, pulp and stone of the fruits increased due to the treatmentswithin the tested range of Ca concentrations. Ca in the fruits was significantlylower than that in the leaves. The correlation on K/Ca/Mg contents between the 1st tip leaf and the fruits was more significant than that between the 2nd leaf and the fruits. On the 2nd leaf, itsK and Mg contents decreased, while Ca increased, after thetreatments.Interestingly, the spraying increased the sugar/acid ratio, significantly decreasedtitratable acid, and heightened vitamin C content resulting in an improved eating quality of the fruits. However, spraying athigh Ca concentration tended to reduce the soluble solids and sugars in the fruits. It was concluded that, within the tested concentration range, spraying the Ca-containing solutions on the mango plants could upgrade the fruit quality, withthe greatest effect observedat a Ca concentration of 0.5 g·L-1.
Key words:
- foliar fertilization /
- mango /
- calcium spray /
- fruit quality
表 1 试验果园土壤理化性状
Table 1. Chemical properties of soil at mango plantation
pH值 有机质/
(mg·kg-1)速效钾K /
(mg·kg-1)5.42 13.93 137.9 333.0 136.0 221.2 62.96 1.77 5.36 表 2 叶施不同质量浓度液钙对芒果叶片钾、钙、镁含量的影响
Table 2. Effect of foliage spray at varied Ca concentrations on K, Ca and Mg contents in mango leaves
[单位/(g·kg-1)] 纯钙用量/ (g·L-1) 第1梢叶 第2梢叶 K Ca Mg K Ca Mg CK 3.45a 21.77b 0.98a 3.45b 20.90c 1.56a 0.5 3.31a 19.93b 1.02a 3.90ab 23.50b 1.37a 1.5 2.85a 22.63a 1.01a 4.30a 22.90bc 1.44a 2.5 2.42a 24.25ab 0.97a 3.45b 24.91a 1.49a 3.5 2.35a 22.28a 1.06a 2.31c 26.49a 1.45a 注:同列数据后不同小写字母分别表示差异达5%显著水平, 表 3、5同。 表 3 叶施不同浓度液钙对芒果成熟果实钾、钙、镁含量的影响
Table 3. Effect of foliage spray at varied Ca concentrations on K, Ca and Mg contents in ripe mango fruits
[单位/(g·kg-1)] 纯钙用量/(g·L-1) 果皮 果肉 果核 K Ca Mg K Ca Mg K Ca Mg CK 10.36a 4.17a 1.25b 11.57a 0.85b 0.86a 4.22a 2.36a 0.73a 0.5 10.62a 4.38a 1.03c 11.53a 1.13a 0.75a 3.39b 2.48a 0.54e 1.5 10.47a 4.60a 1.27b 10.83a 0.94b 0.80a 3.83ab 2.64a 0.71c 2.5 10.42a 5.00a 1.40a 11.22a 0.99ab 0.78a 3.79ab 2.36a 0.73a 3.5 11.09a 5.73a 1.28b 10.72a 1.00ab 0.78a 3.74ab 2.90a 0.65d 表 4 芒果叶片与成熟果实间钾、钙、镁元素的相关性(n=15)
Table 4. Correlation on K, Ca and Mg contents between mango leaves and ripe fruits (n=15)
元素 果皮K 果皮Ca 果皮Mg 果肉K 果肉Ca 果肉Mg 果核K 果核Ca 果核Mg 第1梢叶 K -0.509 -0.908* -0.670 0.778 -0.115 0.394 0.166 -0.524 -0.246 Ca -0.182 0.422 0.976** -0.439 -0.440 0.173 0.400 -0.058 0.810 Mg 0.934* 0.621 -0.320 -0.613 0.387 -0.418 -0.434 0.938* -0.532 第2梢叶 K -0.749 -0.774 -0.291 0.335 0.036 0.010 -0.103 -0.524 -0.010 Ca 0.775 0.935* 0.260 -0.643 0.505 -0.685 -0.521 0.636 -0.232 Mg 0.385 0.674 0.312 -0.672 0.508 -0.754 -0.591 0.430 -0.102 注:*表示在0.05水平上显著相关。**表示在0.01水平上显著相关。 表 5 叶施不同质量浓度液钙对芒果成熟果实品质的影响
Table 5. Effect of foliage spray at varied Ca concentrations onquality of ripe mango fruits
(g·L-1)可溶性固形物/% 可溶性糖/% 可滴定酸/% 糖酸比 维生素C/
(mg·hg-1)CK 13.67a 8.80a 0.44a 20.86c 19.06b 0.5 13.05a 10.77a 0.16b 70.45a 19.91b 1.5 11.90b 7.72ab 0.16b 49.98b 21.04a 2.5 12.83ab 9.83a 0.25b 27.58c 20.97a 3.5 12.80ab 6.02b 0.28b 22.37c 20.73a -
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