Breakage and Chalkiness of Milled Grains of New Hybrid Indica Rice Bred in Fujian
摘要: 利用2015年福建省水稻研究所水稻新品种筛选试验中42个杂交籼稻(包括早、中、晚稻)作为研究对象,对整精米率和垩白度2项米质性状稳定性进行探讨。研究表明:早稻种植点中连城整精米率显著高于其他种植点,垩白度显著低于其他种植点;中稻种植点中新罗整精米率最高,而南靖垩白度最低;晚稻种植点中漳州整精米率最高、垩白度最低。在不同种植环境下,早籼整精米率差异最大,中籼居中,晚籼最小,3者变异系数为56.0%、21.6%和11.0%;早、中、晚3种类型籼稻垩白度差异都较显著,3者变异系数分别为35.1%、34.9%和31.2%。因此,在福建省水稻新品种品质评价中应对不同稻区的稻米品质表现进行综合评价;另外,结合福建省早稻实际生产状况建议福建省新品种区试中选取连城作为早稻米质鉴定取样点。Abstract: Percentage of breakage and degree of chalkiness of themilled grains from 42 new varieties of rice tested by Fujian Rice Research Institute in 2015 were compared. It was found that thebrakeage rateafter millingand the chalkiness of the grains of theearly-season rice from the test cultivation area at Liangchen were significantly lower than those fromthe other locations. Among all, the grain breakage rate of the mid-season varieties from Xinluo, while the chalkinessfrom Nanjing, was the lowest. For the late-season rice, the grain brakeage and chalkiness rates were the lowest from Zhangzhou. Planting area affectedqualities ofthe rice in varying degrees.For instance, the grain brakeage of the early-season rice was found to be significantly moresensitive to the location where it was cultivatedthan the mid-seasonor the late-season varieties, with the coefficients of variation of 56.0%, 21.6% and 11.0%, respectively.And, on the chalkiness, the early-, mid-and late-season varietiesshowed the coefficients of 35.1%, 34.9% and 31.2%, respectively. Consequently, it seemed appropriate that cultivation localityshould be included in evaluating the grain qualityof a new rice variety in the future. And, Liangchen appeared suitable for regional testing on early-season rice.
Key words:
- hybrid indica rice /
- breakage rate of milledrice grains /
- chalkiness rate /
- stability
表 1 不同种植地区、不同类型籼稻的整精米率和垩白度
Table 1. Percent ofunbroken milled grains and chalkiness of indica rice varieties from different planting areas
(单位/%) 类型 种植地区 整精米率 垩白度 早籼 连城 45.8 10.5 漳州 22.2 17.2 福州 21.2 21.9 沙县 14.0 23.6 中籼 新罗 54.2 15.3 南靖 49.4 8.7 永安 37.3 15.0 晚籼 漳州 58.3 7.9 连城 49.4 8.0 沙县 49.3 11.7 表 2 早稻整精米率和垩白度的平均值、变异系数
Table 2. Means and coefficients of variation ofunbroken grain rate and chalkiness of early-season rice
编号品种 整精米率 垩白度 平均值
系数1 134A/F6335 23.6 55.57 5.8 34.39 2 天优919 29.0 45.55 13.2 39.41 3 M优1536 19.7 67.45 24.8 40.03 4 M优2386 23.3 54.98 21.1 39.82 5 M优6335 21.3 71.23 11.3 35.01 6 915A/T1419 25.0 47.06 28.7 21.95 7 M优6073 27.7 51.26 15.8 33.85 8 两优3306 32.6 50.67 13.6 37.95 9 金优2155 25.5 59.34 22.3 31.72 10 民优270 30.2 56.80 26.5 36.50 最大值 - - 71.23 - 40.03 最小值 - - 45.55 - 21.95 平均值 - - 56.0 - 35.1 表 3 中稻整精米率和垩白度的平均值、变异系数
Table 3. Means and coefficients of variation of unbrokengrain rate and chalkiness of mid-season rice
编号品种 整精米率 垩白度 平均值
系数1 聚两优2156 46.7 17.76 12.7 34.20 2 广8优669 53.4 9.40 11.3 37.13 3 福隆优176 48.8 17.77 17.0 33.88 4 Ⅱ优明86 51.6 29.06 21.9 22.32 5 荃优212 42.1 25.02 8.3 28.58 6 福香A/T1412 34.4 24.94 14.2 29.94 7 荃优744 44.0 17.06 13.4 44.82 8 深两优R24 54.5 22.02 8.3 52.55 9 H两优676 48.2 30.14 12.0 41.95 10 荃优7028 45.9 22.71 11.0 23.66 最大值 - - 30.14 - 52.55 最小值 - - 9.40 - 22.32 平均值 - - 21.60 - 34.90 表 4 晚稻整精米率和垩白度的平均值、变异系数
Table 4. Means and coefficients of variation of unbroken grain rate and chalkiness of late-season rice
编号品种 整精米率 垩白度 平均值
系数1 沁香优846 50.3 20.23 8.2 14.59 2 两优3403 60.4 8.98 8.0 54.90 3 繁优5148 51.9 8.58 6.0 43.39 4 134A/福恢2367 50.3 15.34 8.1 26.95 5 繁优62 47.3 15.15 7.7 20.04 6 134A/FR683 53.3 8.11 9.1 27.24 7 繁优838 52.1 5.87 7.6 45.62 8 M优2386 43.2 16.54 10.4 36.96 9 聚两优919 55.4 12.31 6.7 26.09 10 两优3405 56.3 10.61 7.6 19.95 11 芷优212 52.9 15.24 5.7 35.64 12 内优765 49.7 16.76 12.8 36.48 13 延优1371 46.6 12.76 14.0 11.75 14 福香优138 62.6 4.59 6.4 5.24 15 福农优2156 45.1 15.32 7.7 32.90 16 4068A/R12 50.3 4.63 11.6 54.54 17 福农优2386 43.4 13.84 9.7 41.47 18 宜优673 51.3 8.23 13.3 29.28 19 繁源A/14WH1号 55.1 7.26 5.0 36.67 20 花香优683 54.2 4.52 11.1 36.90 21 旗1优387 57.8 8.97 18.9 30.08 22 两优9669 61.6 8.30 6.7 20.41 最大值 - - 20.23 - 54.90 最小值 - - 4.52 - 5.24 平均值 - - 11.01 - 31.23 -
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