Biomasses and Transcript Levels of Aundo donax L. Species
摘要: 芦竹Arundo donax L.由于其生长快速、抗逆性强、蛋白含量高等优点,正以重要能源植物的定位受到越来越多的重视。本研究针对本单位收集的源自我国山东省烟台市及福建省福州市永泰县的2种芦竹进行叶片形态、生物量及营养物质含量等生物学特性分析,发现2个芦竹品种在干物质产量、水分含量、纤维含量、粗灰分含量等指标上存在一定差异性。基于上述差异性,对2个芦竹品种的叶片进行Illumina高通量测序分析,构建芦竹转录组数据库。通过de novo的方法对获得的转录组数据进行组装,并预测各组装获得Unigene的开放阅读框,从而获得可能的蛋白氨基酸序列。通过基因表达量差异性分析,筛选2个芦竹品种中表达量差异显著的基因,并将上述基因与Gene Ontology(GO)、Eukaryotic Orthologous Groups of proteins(KOG)及Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG)等数据库比对分析,预测差异表达基因的功能及参与的代谢信号通道。针对与生物量及生物乙醇产量相关的代谢途径的分析发现,2个芦竹品种在碳固定光合作用、淀粉/糖代谢及木质素合成相关的信号通道中关键酶基因的表达量上具有显著差异。上述结论从生物学及生物信息学角度分别分析了源自我国不同地域的芦竹品种在生物产量及生物质能源相关指标上的差异性。研究结论为筛选芦竹品种作为优质生物质能源草种提供了依据。Abstract: Arundo donax is a promising crop for bioenergy as it is fast growing, stress-tolerant and high in protein content. The morphological characteristics and biomass yields of A. donax species originated from Yantai, Shandong and Fuzhou, Fujian were compared. Transcriptome analysis in the leaf RNA of both species were conducted by Illumina sequencing. Their expression levels were calculated, and differently expressed genes screened and annotated with databases from sources including Gene Ontology (GO), euKaryotic Orthologous Groups (KOG) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG). Further analyses on the signal pathways, such as carbon fixation in photosynthetic organisms, starch and sucrose metabolism and phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, showed significant differences on the expressions of some key enzymes in them. The results provided a useful clue in selecting and breeding A. donax for bioenergy.
Key words:
- Arundo donax /
- bioenergy /
- biomass /
- leaf /
- transcriptome /
- expression level
图 6 芦竹品种转录组中与生物量及生物乙醇相关信号通道基因差异表达情况
Figure 6. Three biomass and bio-ethanol related signaling pathways in A. donax
表 1 山东芦竹与福建芦竹整株的化学成分
Table 1. Chemical compositions of A. donaxs plant originated from Shandong and Fujian
品种 生长天数
/%山东芦竹 100 6.93 6.17 4.14 33.68 8.45 40.62 67.81 42.84 130 6.64 6.89 3.16 38.42 6.82 38.07 70.33 45.34 160 7.05 5.02 4.26 41.62 5.49 36.57 72.15 49.29 190 5.33 4.54 2.77 42.70 5.36 39.30 73.03 50.65 220 7.10 5.25 3.28 45.65 3.84 34.88 69.98 47.36 福建芦竹 100 7.06 5.97 3.95 35.50 9.03 38.49 66.87 41.90 130 7.64 7.06 4.28 34.80 9.06 37.15 67.14 43.43 160 6.57 5.25 4.81 38.14 7.36 37.87 69.84 46.25 190 5.39 4.87 3.43 42.49 6.38 37.44 73.19 51.15 220 7.01 4.61 3.16 44.23 5.85 35.15 72.58 50.61 -
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