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张杰伟 丁莉萍 陈亚娟 王宏芝 魏建华

张杰伟, 丁莉萍, 陈亚娟, 王宏芝, 魏建华. 杨树磷酸肌醇特异性磷脂酶C基因家族鉴定与分析[J]. 福建农业学报, 2016, 30(11): 1181-1186. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2016.11.008
引用本文: 张杰伟, 丁莉萍, 陈亚娟, 王宏芝, 魏建华. 杨树磷酸肌醇特异性磷脂酶C基因家族鉴定与分析[J]. 福建农业学报, 2016, 30(11): 1181-1186. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2016.11.008
ZHANG Jie-wei, DING Li-ping, CHEN Ya-juan, WANG Hong-zhi, WEI Jian-hua. Genome-wide Analysis and Identification of Phosphoinositide-specific Phospholipase C Gene Family in Poplar (Populus trichocarpa)[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 30(11): 1181-1186. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2016.11.008
Citation: ZHANG Jie-wei, DING Li-ping, CHEN Ya-juan, WANG Hong-zhi, WEI Jian-hua. Genome-wide Analysis and Identification of Phosphoinositide-specific Phospholipase C Gene Family in Poplar (Populus trichocarpa)[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 30(11): 1181-1186. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2016.11.008


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2016.11.008

国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目 2013AA102702

国家自然科学基金 31270593

北京市自然科学基金 6163028

北京市农林科学院青年科研基金 QNJJ201416







  • 中图分类号: Q945.78;S601

Genome-wide Analysis and Identification of Phosphoinositide-specific Phospholipase C Gene Family in Poplar (Populus trichocarpa)

  • 摘要: 为了对已测序杨树Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray中磷酸肌醇特异性磷脂酶C(phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C,PI-PLC)家族基因进行系统分析,利用杨树基因组数据库,通过生物信息学手段,鉴定杨树PI-PLC 家族基因的基因结构、染色体定位和编码蛋白,通过蛋白序列比对进行进化和分类分析。结果表明,杨树中含有7个PI-PLC家族基因,含有8~10个外显子,分布于杨树的4条染色体上。MEME和Pfam保守结构域分析显示,杨树PI-PLC蛋白均含有4个保守的EF、X、Y和C2结构域。蛋白质进化树分析结果表明PI-PLC可分为2个亚家族。
  • 图  1  杨树PI-PLC家族基因结构分析

    Figure  1.  Gene structure of the poplar PI-PLC gene family

    图  2  拟南芥和杨树的PI-PLC蛋白进化树

    Figure  2.  Phylogenetic tree for arabidopsis and PtPI-PLC proteins

    图  3  拟南芥和杨树的PI-PLC家族基因编码蛋白保守结构域分布

    Figure  3.  Distribution of conserved motifs in AtPLC and PtPLC proteins

    表  1  杨树PI-PLC家族基因的基本特征

    Table  1.   Characteristics of PI-PLC genes of poplar

    基因名称 定位名称 转录名称 染色体定位
    PtPLC1 Potri.001G252100 1G252100.1 Chr01:26180768..26185026 forward 1761 586 9
    PtPLC2 Potri.001G252300 1G252300.1 Chr01:26191421..26195808 forward 1842 613 10
    PtPLC3 Potri.008G068300 8G068300.1 Chr08:4159193..4163941 forward 1845 614 9
    PtPLC4 Potri.008G068400 8G068400.1 Chr08:4165486..4170103 forward 1773 590 9
    PtPLC5 Potri.009G046600 9G046600.1 Chr09:5204380..5208632 forward 1749 582 8
    PtPLC6 Potri.010G188800 10G188800.1 Chr10:18467139..18471555 reverse 1764 587 9
    PtPLC7 Potri.010G188900 10G188900.1 Chr10:18476727..18481689 reverse 1845 614 9
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    表  2  杨树基因组中PI-PLC 蛋白氨基酸相似性分析

    Table  2.   Amino acid seque nce similarity analysis of the OtPLC proteins

    PtPLC1 57.37 65.75 64.64 52.12 65.68 65.92
    PtPLC2 57.50 62.17 67.55 62.11 57.17
    PtPLC3 63.75 52.20 62.52 92.67
    PtPLC4 54.97 88.93 63.92
    PtPLC5 54.91 51.67
    PtPLC6 63.39
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    表  3  杨树PtPLC1、4、67不同转录本的基本特征

    Table  3.   Characteristics of PtPLC1,4,6,and 7 genes

    基因名称 定位名称 转录名称 别名 染色体定位
    PtPLC1 Potri.001G252100 Potri.001G252100.1 POPTR_0001s25910/.v2.2/.1.v2.2 Chr01:26180768..26185026 + 1761 586 9
    PtPLC1 Potri.001G252100 Potri.001G252100.2 POPTR_0001s25910/.v2.2 Chr01:26180768..26185025 + 1107 368 5
    PtPLC1 Potri.001G252100 Potri.001G252100.3 POPTR_0001s25910/.v2.2 Chr01:26180768..26185025 + 1467 488 7
    PtPLC1 Potri.001G252100 Potri.001G252100.4 POPTR_0001s25910/.v2.2 Chr01:26180768..26183407 + 1227 408 6
    PtPLC4 Potri.008G068400 Potri.008G068400.1 POPTR_0008s06840/.v2.2/.1.v2.2 Chr08:4165486..4170103 + 1773 590 9
    PtPLC4 Potri.008G068400 Potri.008G068400.2 POPTR_0008s06840/.v2.2 Chr08:4165517..4168012 + 1167 388 5
    PtPLC6 Potri.010G188800 Potri.010G188800.1 POPTR_0010s19610/.v2.2/.1.v2.2 Chr10:18467139..18471555- 1764 587 9
    PtPLC6 Potri.010G188800 Potri.010G188800.2 POPTR_0010s19610/.v2.2 Chr10:18467139..18471555- 1557 518 9
    PtPLC6 Potri.010G188800 Potri.010G188800.3 POPTR_0010s19610/.v2.2 Chr10:18467139..18471555- 1518 505 8
    PtPLC6 Potri.010G188800 Potri.010G188800.4 POPTR_0010s19610/.v2.2 Chr10:18467139..18471555- 1407 468 8
    PtPLC6 Potri.010G188800 Potri.010G188800.5 POPTR_0010s19610/.v2.2 Chr10:18467139..18471555- 1122 373 6
    PtPLC6 Potri.010G188800 Potri.010G188800.6 POPTR_0010s19610/.v2.2 Chr10:18467139..18470622- 1443 480 8
    PtPLC7 Potri.010G188900 Potri.010G188900.1 POPTR_0010s19620/.v2.2 Chr10:18476727..18481689- 1845 614 9
    PtPLC7 Potri.010G188900 Potri.010G188900.2 POPTR_0010s19620/.v2.2/.1.v2.2 Chr10:18476727..18481689- 1788 595 9
    PtPLC7 Potri.010G188900 Potri.010G188900.3 POPTR_0010s19620/.v2.2 Chr10:18479368..18481446- 339 112 2
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