Science and Technology Contribution to Improvements on Rice Production in Taiwan Analyzed by Ridge Regression Model
摘要: 通过建立超越对数生产函数,建立2000-2014年期间台湾水稻生产模型,并运用岭回归(Riolge Regression)方法估计参数,得到台湾水稻生产各要素的产出弹性和科技进步贡献率。研究表明,科技进步是台湾水稻生产的主要驱动力,2000-2014年间台湾水稻科技进步贡献率为51.51%。在台湾水稻生产中,科技进步最主要以资本的形式促进水稻产量的提升,其次通过改良土地的方式,不断提升水稻生产力,还有一部分科技进步以提高稻农的综合素质水平达到促进水稻生产的目的。Abstract: A ridge regression model for the rice production in Taiwan from 2000 to 2014 was constructed with the trans-log production function and parameter estimation. Information on the output elasticity, as well as the contribution of various factors toward the improvements, of the rice production in Taiwan was obtained. It was found that the scientific and technological advancements was the major driving force contributing 51.51% on the rice production improvements in Taiwan during those years. As a result, capital investment ushered in the progress and became the main factor, followed by projects executed that upgraded the land use on the island. The generally improved skills of the farmers also appeared to play a crucial role in Taiwan's rice productivity.
表 1 台湾水稻产业发展相关数据
Table 1. Data relevant to rice industry development in Taiwan
变量 平均值 标准差 最小值 最大值 稻谷产量/t 1579434.94 125338.96 1363458 1803187 农牧业就业人口/千人 553.06 79.79 478 705 稻米收获面积/hm2 277473.00 35412.65 237015 353065 资本要素/百万元 360877.29 53504.49 288107 460719 稻米产值/百万元 32975.44 4650.29 26091 41479 农业固定资本形成毛额/百万元 15096.63 4459.06 8070 26501 农业国内生产毛额/百万元 216279.56 31555.12 183581 296110 农民所付物指数 90.48 9.29 79 104 农民所得物价指数 91.60 12.03 74 112 表 2 台湾水稻产值产量及各要素增长率
Table 2. Improved rice yield, value, and various factors in Taiwan
年份 稻米产值
/%2000-2004 -5.62 -1.78 -3.17 -8.60 -8.75 2005-2009 4.67 1.84 -2.47 -1.37 -9.33 2010-2014 8.12 4.53 0.20 2.68 -6.50 2000-2014 0.84 -2.04 -1.60 1.29 -1.60 表 3 模型回归结果
Table 3. Results from regression model
项目 估计参数 标准化参数 标准误 T-值 P值 显著性 log (t) 0.0020858 0.020453 0.009972 2.051 0.040257 * log (labor) 0.0098984 0.001174 0.007103 0.165 0.868686 log (land) 0.0297704 0.008487 0.007906 1.073 0.283051 log (capital) 0.0496965 0.033686 0.00821 4.103 4.08E-05 *** log (labor)2 0.0007868 0.001176 0.007059 0.167 0.867696 log (t)2 0.0007664 0.020456 0.009973 2.051 0.040254 * log (land)2 0.001175 0.008295 0.007882 1.052 0.292608 log (capital)2 0.0019285 0.033369 0.008166 4.086 4.38E-05 *** log (t):log (labor) 0.0003602 0.00149 0.007133 0.209 0.83453 log (t):log (land) 0.0001764 0.009404 0.008083 1.163 0.244689 log (t):log (capital) 0.0001872 0.034558 0.008395 4.117 3.84E-05 *** log (labor):log (land) 0.0008924 0.003433 0.005372 0.639 0.522869 log (labor):log (capital) 0.0015675 0.013757 0.005529 2.488 0.012848 * log (land):log (capital) 0.0018763 0.023734 0.006263 3.789 0.000151 *** 注:①岭参数:5.108313,自由度:模型1.504,方差:0.5506,残差:1.555。②*、**、***分别表示95%、99%、99.9%置信度下显著。 表 4 台湾水稻生产要素产出弹性
Table 4. Output elasticity of rice production in Taiwan
项目 产出弹性 随技术变
影响部分劳动力 0.014292 0.010259 0.001574 0.00246 土地 0.035066 0.029947 0.00235 0.002769 资本 0.057185 0.049884 0.003857 0.003444 科技进步 0.004342 注:科技进步贡献率=科技进步率/总产量变动=0.004342/0.8431%=51.51%。 -
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