Optimized Formulation Using Pleurotuseryngii Discard for Agaricusbisporus Cultivation
摘要: 为了摸索出一套稳定、高效优质的杏鲍菇菌渣循环栽培双孢蘑菇技术,结合实际生产,进行原辅材料配比调整,设计8个供试配方。通过不同操作阶段的pH值、温度变化记录和前5潮产量记录统计,确认配方5(菌渣25 kg·m-2、牛粪10 kg·m-2、过磷酸钙0.75 kg·m-2)和配方8(菌渣22.5 kg·m-2、牛粪12.5 kg·m-2、生石灰0.3 kg·m-2、过磷酸钙0.7 5 kg·m-2)2个配方值得推广示范,但在栽培工艺上有待于进一步熟化。Abstract: Through formulation optimization and trial runs, Pleurotuseryngii discard(PED) was utilized to reduce thewaste disposal bymixing it with cow dung (CD) and other ingredientsforthe cultivation of Agaricusbisporus. Mushroom yields on harvests from 8 formulas of the substrate were monitored undervarying pHs and temperatures in 5 tide times. Stable and efficient production with high quality fruiting bodies of A.bisporus was found when Formula No. 5 (25 kg PED, 10 kg CD, and 0.75 kg superphosphate) or Formula No. 8 (22.5 kg PED, 12.5 kg CD, 0.3 kg lime, and 0.75 kg superphosphate) was appliedper square meter of the cultivating bed. Detailed cultivation procedures to further refine and develop the technology for practical applications are in order.
Key words:
- Agaricusbisporus /
- Pleurotuseryngii /
- mushroom discard /
- formulation
表 1 供试培养料配方
Table 1. Substrate formulations for mushroom cultivation
[单位/(kg·m-2)] 配方 杏鲍菇菌渣 牛粪 石灰 轻质碳酸钙 过磷酸钙 1 70 0 0.75 0.75 2 65 2.5 0.75 0.75 3 60 5 0.75 0.75 4 55 7.5 0.75 0.75 5 50 10 0.75 0.75 6(CK) 45 12.5 0.75 0.75 7 40 15 0.75 0.75 8 45 12.5 0.3 0.75 注:表中菌渣为鲜品,折干率以50%计算;配方6为当地使用配方,设为对照。 表 2 杏鲍菇菌渣和牛粪的主要营养成分
Table 2. Main nutrients in PER and CD
项目 杏鲍菇菌渣 牛粪 含碳量/% 35.2 36.3 含氮量/% 2.14 1.96 碳氮比 16.45 18.52 表 3 不同配方的产量统计
Table 3. Statistics on mushroom yield per unit area under cultivation with substrates of different formulas
配方 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 平均单产/(kg·m-2) 10.7±0.5 d 11.1±0.7 cd 7.4±1.3 e 10.9±0.8 d 14.3±0.7 a 12.8±0.4 b 12.1±0.6 bc 14.1±0.4 a 生物学效率/% 30.6 31.7 21.1 31.1 40.9 36.6 34.6 40.3 注:同列数据后面不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05)。 -
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