• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Effect of the Antioxidant Dfense Sstem of Perinereis aibuhitensis Exposed toTetrabromodiphenyl Ether

  • 摘要: 将双齿围沙蚕Perinereis aibuhitensis暴露在BDE-47下进行急性毒性试验,测定96 h-LC50。在此基础上,研究了暴露在0、2、4、8 mgL-1的BDE-47污染物下,双齿围沙蚕的谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPx)活力、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活力以及丙二醛(MDA)含量、谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(GST)活力的变化情况。结果表明BDE-47对双齿围沙蚕的96 h-LC50为31.24 mgL-1。在暴露期间,与对照组比较,各处理组的GSH含量、GST活力、CAT活力总体上无显著变化,仅8 mgL-1组的GST活力在14 d极显著性升高(P0.01)。暴露1 d时,4 mgL-1处理组GPx活力显著升高(P0.05),在第7~14 d时,2 mgL-1处理组的GPx活性呈上升趋势;在暴露1 d时,4 mgL-1、8 mgL-1两组的SOD活力显著下降(P0.05),整体上看,在1~7 d时,SOD活力被诱导升高。14 d时,与对照组的比较,4、8 mgL-1处理组的SOD活力分别被显著(P0.05)和极显著(P0.01)抑制。在暴露1 d时,MDA含量被诱导升高(P0.05),且4 mgL-1极显著升高(P0.01)。在暴露4~14 d MDA含量总体上无明显变化,仅第7 d的8 mgL-1处理组显著升高(P0.05)。结论:在双齿围沙蚕抗氧化防御系统中,MDA含量和SOD活力均在胁迫初期有显著变化,因此MDA含量和SOD活力可以作为潜在的生物标志物。


    Abstract: Perinereis aibuhitensis is used as biological subject in acute toxicity test, for determining the 96 h-LC50 of tetrabromodiphenyl ether(BDE-47).On this basis, the activities of SOD,CAT,GST,GPx and the contents of GSH, MDA of the antioxidant defense system of Perinereis aibuhitensis exposed to 0,2,4,8 mgL-1 of BDE-47 pollutants were determined. The results were as follows:the 96h-LC50 of BDE-47 to Perinereis aibuhitensis was 31.24 mgL-1.Compared with the control group, the content of GSH and activities of GST and CAT had basically no significant change, only the GST activity of 8 mgL-1 group was significantly higher (P0.01) on 14 th day.The GPx activity of 4 mgL-1 group was significantly higher (P0.05) on 1 th day, and 2 mgL-1 group showed the increasing trend during the 7 th to 14 th day.On 1 th day, the SOD activity of the 4 mgL-1and 8 mgL-1 groups significantly decreased (P0.05).Overall, during the period of 1-7 d, SOD activity of the 2 mgL-1, 4 mgL-1groups were induced to rise. On 14 th day, SOD activity in 4 mgL-1, 8 mgL-1 groups were significant (P0.05) and significantly (P0.01) inhibited respectively. The MDA content of all the treatment groups were induced to increase (P0.05), and 4 mgL-1 group significantly increased (P0.01) on 1 th day. There was no significant change in the content of MDA of the treatment groups during the exposure period of 4-14 th day, only 8 mgL-1 group was significantly higher (P0.05) on 7 th day.In conclusion:the content of MDA and activity of SOD of the antioxidant defense system of Perinereis aibuhitensis had significant changes at the early exposure stage (P0.05), which could be used as potential biomarkers.


