Research Progress on Soluble Organic Nitrogen in Agricultural Ecosystem
摘要: 农业生态系统中,氮素是作物所需的三大营养元素之一。可溶性有机氮(SON)作为土壤氮素的组成部分与其他氮素形式一样,在农业生态系统氮素循环中起着重要作用。本文总结近年来国内外农业生态系统SON的研究成果,综述了农业生态系统土壤中SON的来源、组分、提取方式、含量及其影响因素、季节性动态变化和生态功能等,并对农业生态系统SON日后研究重点进行阐述,为进一步研究提供理论指导。Abstract: In an agricultural ecosystem,nitrogen is one of three essential nutrients required by crops.Soluble organic nitrogen(SON),as a form of soil nitrogen,plays an important role in the nitrogen cycle in an agri-ecosystem.This paper summarizes the recent research results on SON worldwide,as well as the sources,components,extraction methods,contents, factors, seasonal variations, and ecological functions of SON in the ecosystems.Recommendations for future studies and theoretical considerations relating to SON are presented.
Key words:
- Agricultural ecosystem /
- soluble organic nitrogen /
- soil /
- nitrogen
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