Advances in Etiological Studies on Gobies
摘要: 虾虎鱼在养殖过程中爆发的疾病大致可分为病原性疾病和非病原性疾病两大类。病原性疾病的各类病原生物往往在短时间内对养殖户造成巨大的经济损失。本文总结了近年来在各种虾虎鱼上分离鉴定出的病毒、细菌、寄生虫等几类主要的病原生物,以期为虾虎鱼病害的诊断与防治提供参考。Abstract: Diseases occurred to gobies are generally pathogenic or non-pathogenic in nature during breeding process.The pathogenic diseases often cause considerable economical losses to the farmers in a short time.The present paper summarizes the pathogens,e.g.viruses,bacteria,parasites,and others that have been isolated and identified from various gobies to provide a comprehensive reference for the diagnosis and prevention of the diseases.
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