Research Progress on Southern Corn Rust
摘要: 玉米南方锈病是由多堆柄锈菌Puccinia polysora Unedrw.引起的玉米产区的重要病害。该病可为害玉米叶片、茎秆、苞叶和雄穗组织,造成产量降低、籽粒品质变差,对玉米生产具有较大影响。本文重点介绍玉米南方锈病国内外发生及危害概况,阐述玉米南方锈病的病理、病征,并探讨玉米南方锈病的抗病基因的遗传研究,最后综述了玉米南方锈病的防治要点,以及进一步研究玉米南方锈病存在的问题和解决办法。Abstract: Southern corn rust,caused by Puccinia polysora Unedrw.,is an important maize disease in corn producing areas.The disease results in reducing the yield and grain quality by damaging the corn leaves,stalks,bract and tassel organization.This paper aimed to review the research progresses for southern corn rust worldwide on occurrence and damage analysis,symptom observation and pathogenic characteristics,genetic analysis of the resistance genus,comprehansive prevention,as well as to discuss further research in resolving of the disease.
Key words:
- maize /
- southern corn rust /
- gene /
- QTL(quantitative trait locus) /
- research progress
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