Comparison of various potato cultivation methods
摘要: 马铃薯稻草包芯栽培技术是福建省主推的马铃薯高产栽培技术.为进一步探讨冬种马铃薯稻草包芯栽培技术的增产增收效果,2008年冬至2009年春通过设立不同栽培技术的对比试验,应用回归分析和通径分析方法,对影响马铃薯产量的因素进行研究.结果表明,马铃薯大薯重对产量影响极显著、中薯重对产量影响显著;与常规栽培相比,稻草包芯栽培技术能显著提高马铃薯中、大薯重,进而极显著提高产量,产量增15.4%,产值增15.4%,利润增18.0%,其抗晚疫病能力也较强.Abstract: To compare the effect on potato yield and farming income by different cultivation methods,tests were conducted from Winter 2008 to Spring 2009.At the same time,indices of potato yield were also investigated.The results showed that,as compared to the conventional cultivation,the straw core cultivation method significantly increased the proportion of large tubers,or the yield.By using this method,the production per hm2 increased 15.4%,the output value increased 15.4%,the profit increased 18.0%,and resistance to Late Blight(Phytophthora infestansis)also improved as compared to the control.