摘要: 1.我国茶树品种资源依树型可分为乔木、半乔、灌木三个种群,依叶片大小可分为大叶、中叶、小叶三种类型,其内部组成以灌木群最多,半乔木居次,乔木大叶种群最少。2.不同种群的分布与适生环境各有不同。野生型乔木大叶种群水平分布区约为东经97~122°,北纬18~31°之间,而以北纬25°为中心线的南北各3~4°的宽带上最多,适生于极端低温3.2~-7.8℃,栽培乔木大叶种群分布区小,主要分布于约北纬25℃以南的滇、桂、粤中南部以及台湾省,适生于极端低限4.2~-5.1℃;灌木中、小叶种群分布区广,目前已北移至北纬37°,适生极端低温达-18.6℃(江苏盱眙)。但其主要栽培分布区是在北纬32°以南,适生极端低温达-10~-12℃;半乔木大叶种群主要分布于北纬30°以南,适生的极端低温可达-8~-10℃。3.我国现有栽培种群,在幼青年期阶段(4~11足龄),平均年亩产嫩梢为200~1000公斤,多数品种(56.07%)分布于500~700公斤/亩。不同种群间,茶叶产量,以乔木大叶种群较高,半乔木大叶(或中叶)种群次之,灌木中叶(或大叶)种群较低。4.茶树生长活动的有效感温为≥10℃,但不同品种有其不同的要求,早春茶芽开始萌动的起点温度,特早芽品种≥8℃,早芽型品种≥10℃,中芽型品种≥12℃,迟芽型品种≥14℃。Abstract: In China, Tea tree species can be divided into 3 types: arbor,sub-arbor and bush-type, according to the tree shape. Also they can be divided into other 3 groups:large leaf, medium leaf and small leaf. Among present cultivars, the medium leaf bush-type is the most, large leaf sub-arbor type is the second and large leaf arbor type is the third.The wild tea tree is distributed in 97-122° E longitude and 18-31°N latitude but most of them are distributed in 22-29°N latitude.Its minimum growth temperature is 3.2-7.8℃. The cultivated large leaf arbor type is mainly distributed in the south of 25°N longitude.Its minimum growth temperature is 4.2-5.1℃. The medium and small leaf arbor type is widely distributed even in 37°N longitude,they can subsist at-18.6℃.The large leaf sub-arbor type is mainly distributed in the south of 30°N longitude, its minimum growth temperature is-8-10℃. Now the trend of leaf yield of different species is: large leaf arbor typelarge leaf sub-arbor typemedium or large leaf bush type.The temperatures of starting sprouting of different species are. extra early sprouting species ≥8℃, early sprouting≥10℃, medium sprouting species≥12℃ and late sprouting species≥14℃.Author suggests that the local point of tea tree species for future developing and utilizing is large leaf arbor and sub-arbor type and the new plantations must be extended in south China.