• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Studies on the Biology of Anagyrus dactylopii (Howard)

  • 摘要: 粉蚧长索跳小蜂Anagyrus dactylopii(Howard)隶膜翅目Hymenoptera跳小蜂科Encyrtidae,是堆蜡粉蚧Nipaecoccus Vastator(Maskell)的重要内寄生天敌,营单寄生或多寄生。平均温度22.8℃时,全世代约20—22天。成蜂寿命雌蜂比雄蜂长,平均温度20—23℃,已交配的雌雄蜂平均寿命分别为4.02和3.42天,用水和25%蜜水饲养都会延长雌雄蜂的寿命,但雌蜂的搜寻寄主、寄生产卵等行为引起自身寿命的缩短。雌蜂营产雄孤雌生殖和两性生殖,孤雌生殖平均产卵8.1粒,两性生殖平均产卵21.5粒。该蜂可寄生堆蜡粉蚧二龄、三龄若虫和雌成虫,不寄生卵和一龄若虫。雌蜂存在严重的过寄生现象,无论是在选择还是无选择寄主情况下,该蜂在堆蜡粉蚧的过寄生程度和卵的浪费都是雌成虫三龄若虫二龄若虫。被过寄生寄主蚧虫所占比例随寄主蚧虫密度的增加而减少,而不同寄主密度的被寄生蚧虫平均含卵量没有显著的差异。


    Abstract: Anagyrus daclylopii (Howard) belongs to family Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chcidoidae). It is an important endoparasitic natural enemy of Nipaecoccus vastator (Maskell) by means of mono-parasitic or multiparasitic ways. At about 22. 8℃, its one generation takes 20-22 days. The longevity of the female adults is longer than that the male ones. When the temperature ranges 20- 23℃, the mean longevities of the mated female and male adults are 4. 02 and 3. 42days respectively. The female and male adults fed on water and 25% honey juice can survive fairly well under natural conditions, but the female adults reduce their own longevity owing to the behaviour of seeking host and ovipositing. The female adults can reproduce either sexually or arrhenotokously. A mated female adult lays 21. 5 eggs in average while an unmated one gives only 8. 1 eggs. This wasp species parasitizes in the second and third instar nymphs and female adults of the host. The female adults superparasitize seriously. The orders of both superparasitic degree and egg-wasted status are all as: most serious in female adults of Nipaecoccus vastator, then in 3rd instar nymph, and in 2nd instar nymph regardless in choice or nonchoice conditions. The frequency of superparasitized hosts reduces with the increase of host density but the egg number in the parasitized host is no different significantly in different host densities.


