Relationship between Plant Characters and Microspore Development during the Sensitive Period of Pollen Fertility Alternation in Thermo-sensitive Genic Male Sterile 5460 lndica Rice
摘要: 在自然温光和人工温光的条件下,研究了5460核不育系育性转换敏感期的植株性状表现、及与小孢子发育时期的关系。结果表明:(1)当5460核不育系的植株处在叶枕距0.1~8.6cm、幼穗长7.6~14.5cm,距抽穗前9.0~13.4d之间,小孢子的发育时期正处在四分体至双核早期,是影响花粉育性转换的敏感期。此时,1d的高温或常温,其花粉的育性就开始向不育或可育转变,连续处理5d,则转换成完全不育或正常可育。(2)在敏感期的植株性状指标及小孢子发育时期的范围以外,温光对花粉的育性均未见有影响。Abstract: The plant characters and the microspore development during the sensitive period of pollen fertility alternation in the thermo-sensitive genic male sterile 5460(TGMS 5460) were observed under different temperatures and photoperiod in nature and in the phytotron.The main results showed that,(1)It was the sensitive period of pollen fertility alternation when the rice plant grown in the status of 0.1~8.6cm length of the flag leaf collar and 7.6~14.5cm length of the young panicles as well as 9.0~13.4 days before heading,in which the microspore developed from tetracytes to early binucleus.In the sensitive period treating with high temperature and long photoperiod only for one day could cause the sterile of pollen fertility,that for 5 days could make the complete sterile of pollen fertility,(2)Outside the sensitive period,temperature and photoperiod did not have obvious effects on pollen fertility.